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1:1 Wellness Coaching

My story and how I can help you…

It all started when I was on hormonal birth control. As with most young impressionable girls these days, hormonal birth control is prescribed for quite literally everything. Us women are complex, and complicated, so naturally, the doctors are quick to put us on hormonal contraceptive to block our body’s natural hormonal fluctuations. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes birth control is necessary but most of the time, it is over prescribed. The majority of women are put on hormonal birth control as a band-aid for symptoms or to prevent pregnancy. But what these women don’t realize is that the pill is only temporarily covering up symptoms and when used for preventing pregnancy, women only have a 3-6 day fertile window every month where they can conceive. So why are 90% of women using contraceptives at some point of their life? Birth control can do serious harm to our bodies. Thankfully, our bodies are amazing and can be restored back to their normal state, but it’s easier for some than it is for others.

I struggled for 2 years after going off birth control. My hormones were completely out of whack. I struggled with horrible mood swings, intense cravings, cystic acne, irregular periods, and feeling like crap all the time. To make matters worse, I was still restricting my calories and suffering from binge eating disorder all at the same time. This completely took over my life my last 2 years of college. I felt like I did everything. I spent so many nights staying up late researching some sort of cure that would put me out of my misery. It was the same protocol. “Eat your vegetables,” “Drink water,” “Eat healthy fats,” “Mitigate stress in your life,” but I was doing all these things, or so I thought, and I was still suffering. Either way, this wasn’t enough. My liver was overburdened from years of birth control and alcohol use and most importantly, my body didn’t feel safe enough to have a period. I had underlying stress I wasn’t even aware of and my constant desire to lose weight was keeping me from ever overcoming both my imbalanced hormones and binge eating.

Unbeknownst to me, just going a few hours without eating was causing stress on my body. I thought I was eating healthy because I was eating a lot of vegetables and unprocessed foods but I wasn’t eating in a way that was right for my body at all.

I thought I was a health and wellness guru and knew all the things, but I knew next to nothing. I never truly understood my body to know what was actually happening. When I finally decided to invest in myself, is when I overcame my hormonal imbalance and binge eating. Reaching out for help is what made all the difference. You can do all the research and read all the books, but nothing compares to going to someone who is knowledgeable in what it is you want, and having personalized care from that person. That is, personalized care rooted in nutrition and lifestyle advice, not a pharmaceutical prescription. Putting a band-aid on your symptoms will do nothing but cause more harm in the long run. You deserve better.

This is why I want to help you. I want to help you reach your health and wellness goals. Whether that is balancing your hormones, becoming pregnant, losing excess weight, or achieving overall health and vitality to feel like your best self, I want to help you achieve it. I believe everyone is worthy of this kind of help and I want to make this affordable and doable for everyone.

My personal health journey is what inspired me to further continue my education so that can help others rebalance and regain their health. As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, my knowledge coupled with my personal experience is what I bring to the table when developing a plan for you.

If you are struggling with your health, please reach out to me and reserve your spot below. I want to help you reach your goals and be there to guide you every step of the way.

I can’t wait to hear from you.



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