Cycle Syncing to Reach Your Fitness Goals

Do you find it difficult to stick to your fitness goals?

One week you’re super motivated and the next, you’re struggling to get off the couch or your performance in the gym suffers?

Or maybe you feel like you’ve tried all the diets.

Keto, calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, high carb, low carb, paleo, etc. 

And at one point they were working really well. You thought to yourself, “Yes! This is the one! I am going to lose so much weight on this diet I CAN DO THIS.” 

But then, a few days or weeks later, you fail. It doesn't work for you anymore.

You become disappointed and discouraged and try the next best diet which also fails you shortly after starting. 

Why is it that diets and exercise regimes don't seem to stick? Maybe it’s because you're neglecting your body and its needs and not eating and training for your body and hormones. 

As women, our bodies are much different than men. Our hormones fluctuate throughout the month and our body needs different things at different phases of our cycle. 

You might feel like one week it is so easy to stick to a diet or way of eating and exercising but the next, everything goes out the window and all you want to do is lay on the couch and eat chips. 

This is where cycle syncing comes in. With cycle syncing, not only is it so much easier to stick to your goals, but it has vast benefits for your overall mood, muscle growth, fat burning, productivity, energy levels, PMS symptoms, libido, and more!

So what is cycle syncing? 

Cycle syncing is adapting your meals, training and lifestyle around the different phases of your menstrual cycle. To learn more about what cycle syncing is, check out this article!

If you’re new to this, it might seem weird to you, but let me explain. As women, we have four phases of our menstrual cycle...that's' right, four. 

Most women think of a menstrual cycle as getting your period once a month and ovulating once a month but it’s actually so much more than that. 

I recommend checking out Women’s Guide to Cycle Syncing before moving forward so you can figure out which phase you're in to be able to use cycle syncing optimally to reach your fitness goals!

Once you have read this article and are familiar with cycle syncing, let's talk about how you can use it to better achieve and stick to your fitness goals!

Since different foods, training, and tasks work better for your different phases, you need to change up your diet and routine to compliment these different phases. 

Disclaimer: If you are pregnant or breast feeding, I recommend talking to your doctor before taking any of the advice shown if this blog post. This is for informational purposes only and none of this information should be taken to extremes. A balanced diet is first and foremost the most important thing and you should only do what feels right for your body.

Phase 1: Menstruation

(Typically Day 1-6)

 First off, let's talk about menstruation and how you can eat and train to reach your goals. 

You may find that you naturally crave fatty foods during this time. The last thing you should do is ignore that craving, instead you should follow it and make healthier choices. 


High Protein | High Fat

Strategies most efficient at this phase: High Fat/ Paleo

Eating higher fat during menstruation will allow you to feel more satisfied. Paleo is also a great way of eating during this week, because whole foods will support your body in the best way possible and keep your cravings at bay. Plus, staying away from processed foods and refined carbs and sugar will make you feel so much better and help with PMS symptoms. Not to mention, a higher fat or paleo diet has a warming effect on our body that is very beneficial as our hormones and body temperature drop during this time.

You may notice that your appetite is higher at the beginning of this phase. This is not something to work against. Your metabolism is higher and you will end up burning more calories so don’t be afraid to eat a little more.

Focus on: Proteins + Fats and warming foods

Proteins, fats, and low glycemic fruits and vegetables (like berries and greens) will keep your blood sugar stable and allow you to feel satisfied. Some great foods to incorporate: flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, kale, broccoli, berries, beef, pork, kidney beans, dark chocolate, scallops, sardines (click here for more great foods)


Walking, Yoga, Stretches, Rest

It is important to take it easy this week. You may think that the more exercise, the better, especially when it comes to fat loss, but that is not the case. By doing gentle movements or resting, you are supporting your body and hormones in the best way possible. Overall, it is important to listen to your body at this time. You may find that gentle movement helps, so taking walks and stretches can really be beneficial. You also may find that rest works best but as the week goes on, your energy increases. This would be a good time to begin slowly incorporating higher energy workouts. 

Phase 2: Follicular

(Typically Day 7-13)

Next up in the follicular phase. This is the time between the end of your bleed/menstruation and ovulation. 

You may find that your energy increases and your appetite decreases. This is usually when it is the easiest for us to stick to our goals.


High Protein | Moderate to High Carb

Strategies most efficient at this phase: Slight Calorie Restriction (10% deficit)

During the follicular phase, the body is more insulin sensitive and better utilizes carbs. Your metabolism slows slightly which complements your lower appetite, making you less likely to overeat and experience cravings.

Since our appetite is naturally lower during this time, a calorie deficit is optimal and will be easier for us to implement.

Remember, fat loss and reaching your fitness goals doesn’t have to be impossible. When you are working with your body instead of against it, you will reach your goals easier and you will feel so much better. 

Focus on: Protein, vegetables, and fermented foods

Lighter foods like salads, veggies, and lean proteins will make you feel most energized at this stage. Some great foods to incorporate: avocado, oats, broccoli, chicken, eggs, pickles, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, oranges, leafy greens (click here for more great foods)


HIIT, Strength Training, Running

As your hormone, estrogen, and energy increase, you will find optimal results from (and enjoy) HIIT exercises, strength training and cardio like running or jogging. Doing these higher energy workouts will not only be easier and feel great, but they will also speed up your lower metabolism during this time. With cortisol being lower and estrogen being higher, this is a prime time to build muscle and make the most from your workouts. You’ll find that as the days go by, your energy and stamina will increase so make sure you are listening to your body and of course, doing what you love!

Phase 3: Ovulatory

(Typically Day 14-18)

Halfway through your cycle is typically when ovulation occurs. This is the time when you are full of energy and feeling good.


High Fiber

Strategies most efficient at this phase: Raw foods/ Vegan

With estrogen peaking and temperature rising, it is the perfect time to support your body with raw, cooling foods. Lots of raw veggies and fiber will help metabolize estrogen, support your liver,  and keep your body energized and well-fueled. So eat up on salads, smoothies, fruits and lightly cooked foods during this time. 

Focus on: Raw foods, fruits, and veggies

Some great foods to incorporate: Bell pepper, berries, spinach, tomato, red lentil, pistachios, brussels sprouts, almonds, pecans, (if not vegan) moderate amounts of salmon, tuna, and shrimp (click here for more great foods)


Strength Training, HIIT

This phase is when estrogen peaks and testosterone rises which allows you to lift the heaviest and go the hardest in your workouts. At this phase, you are feeling your strongest and most energized so make the most of it by lifting heavy or doing high intensity workouts. However, be careful and warm up as always to prevent injury, since you may be more prone to it at this stage. Above all, listen to your body. That is what is most important.

Phase 4: Luteal

(Typically Day 19-28)

This is the phase where we usually start falling off the wagon when it comes to our goals. Our appetite begins to increase and our energy begins to decrease, not to mention the PMS. By eating the right foods, we can make this phase count and be able to stick to our goals. 


Moderate Protein | Moderate Fat | Moderate Carb

Strategies most efficient at this phase: Balanced Diet/Eat Up the Complex Carbs

During this time, your body is more insulin resistant and does not store glucose as well as in the beginning part of your cycle. However, your metabolism is higher at this stage.

A balanced diet with plenty of protein, fats and complex carbohydrates will certainly support your body and allow you to feel more satisfied and balanced. Even though your body is more insulin resistant at this stage, by adding a complex carb source like sweet potato, oats, and bananas to your meals, you will provide your body with the proper nutrients and keep your blood sugar balanced. 

Not to mention, our body also needs slightly more calories so don’t be afraid of eating a little more food and healthy fats and carbs towards the end of this phase, as you find your appetite increasing.

Focus on: High fiber, complex carbs, leafy greens, and healthy fats

Some great foods to incorporate: Brown rice, cauliflower, pumpkin, sweet potato, apples, dates, pears, chickpeas, walnuts, pine nuts, beef, turkey, cod, halibut (click here for more great foods)


Pilates, Yoga, Strength Training, LISS

You’ll find that with lower energy levels at this phase, lower intensity workouts with lighter weights and higher reps are going to suit your needs and body best. In fact, the hormone, progesterone, peaks at this stage and therefore, high intensity strength training will not yield the best results and become more difficult to do. Cortisol will increase at this stage and if paired with a high intensity workout, it will cause more stress on the body which is not ideal. Not to mention, the body is more catabolic (breaking down muscle) and recovery will also not be the most efficient at this stage and you may be more prone to injury if you are going too hard and not listening to your body.

As I’ve said in every phase, it is all about listening to your body. In the beginning, you may feel like you have more energy that slowly decreases over time. Do whatever makes you feel good. 

If you are struggling with reaching your fitness goals or if you find that your diet and exercise regime tends to put your body and hormones out of whack, give this a try! It’s time we start working with our bodies instead of against them. 

Also, be sure to check our my post on cycle syncing, for a more comprehensive guide! Check out my post here.

Source: In the Flo by Alyssa Viti

How are some products I love to help support your cycle if you are interested:

Brandless Berry Beet Maca Superfood Bars. Use code BRANDLESS15 at checkout for 15% off!

Femallay Menstrual Products. Use code BALANCEBYGAB at checkout to get 10% off!

Femallay’s Organic Smooth Cycle Loose Leaf Herbal Tea - PMS Relief Blend. Use code BALANCEBYGAB at checkout to get 10% off!

Gaia Herbs Chaste Tree Berry

Femallay’s Organic Perfectly Balanced Loose Leaf Women’s Wellness Tea. Use code BALANCEBYGAB at checkout to get 10% off!

Brandless Organic Maca Powder. Use code BRANDLESS15 at checkout for 15% off

Apps I love:

Moody Month - Daily wellness advice tailored to your cycle

Stardust - Daily insight into your cycle during moon phases

Book I love:

In the Flo by Alisa Vitti - Goes more in depth about the cycle syncing method

Click here for more!


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